
Five months down many more to go...

 To My Daughter...
I cannot believe a half of a year has gone by, and six months ago I was holding you for the first time! Zoe, you are my real life beautiful baby doll and I cannot walk around in public without being stopped by people asking to see you and complimenting you on your adorableness... You are so perfect and I couldn't be happier. The way you light up when you hear you Dad sing or catch a glimpse of Bella lightens up my life like you cannot believe. You are an amazing baby and even though you are clingy and fussy I wouldn't change you one bit. You have taught me patience and I have become just a bit more easy going! I love you and all your bubbles, and grunts, giggles and tears...

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xoxo. Richelle Cote © - DESIGNED BY HERPARK