
One a week...

I have decided to ditch false expectations. Those expectations will be left at the door, outside the door,they aren't let inside my home any longer. My new life goal is to only expect myself to accomplish one big thing off my "to do" list a WEEK. I'm not talking about making the bed, washing dishes, or folding laundry. I'm talking about big chores:  organizing drawers, deep cleaning the house, organizing the toys, cleaning out the closets, changing all the bedding, working in the garage. If I complete one thing a week off my mental "to do" list then I'm golden!! If I don't accomplish anything it is still ok, I'm still a good wife and mama. This might not work for everyone, but I think it will give me a less stressful outlook on life! Let's all be realistic with our expectations, we are all busy as mamas and wives... Xoxo 


Panty party!

Black out...

Belt:Flea find
Jeans: Lucky

Wearing some flea finds...

Top: Vintage flea find
Sunnies: F21
Tassel bracelets :DIY
Boots: Flea Find


Potty training •day 1•

This girl has been a potty princess! In 36 hours she has had no accidents! I have counted well over 20 peepees in the potty and 2 poops (one completely on her own while I was in the other room)! 
 This girl is doing so well and I couldn't be prouder. She is currently getting jelly bean rewards (Trader Joes all natural/organic) but after a run to the store today I'm planning on switching her prizes to trinkets!
  I didn't follow any specific method. Ian and I wanted it to be the right time and on her watch. We never forced her. The last two days we have stayed home and she has worn nothing but a t-shirt and the occasional princess tutu and of course her heals! I just keep reminding her to "tell mommy when you have to go potty", or I ask her questions like "where does Zöe go potty now". She gets lots of potty praise and we even have called daddy and mop when she has good potty news to share! 

Through Zoes' camera lense...

Photos contributor: Zoe James Cote 
Age: 2.5 years
Camera: Canon Power SD960 IS



Inspiring Mama #5 Lauren Wright

Name: Lauren Wright
IG name: ahippiesdaughter
Where you currently live: Las Vegas
Your kids names/ages: Luca (5 1/2), Ruby (2 1/2)

1. What were some of your first thoughts/feelings when finding out you were going to become a mama? 
The happiest I had ever been in my life! My husband and I had been together a long time, so we were more than ready. We couldn't wait to become parents.

2. Do you have a motto or quote that has helped you along during motherhood? 
Probably the one I think most is, "the days are long but the years are short." There's always so much to do, and when everything gets overwhelming I remind myself of this. It's so true, and before you know it they're not babies anymore and I think longingly about that precious time. 

3. What has changed the most in your life since becoming a mother? 
Not too much changed for me actually, except that you of course have less time to do things for yourself. And sleep, I definitely sleep a LOT less!!

4.  If you could teach your child/children one lesson in life what would it be?

To be kind and compassionate to all people and things. Not to judge others because you have no idea what their path in life is. And to treat others the way you would like to be treated. 

5. How has motherhood stretched you (maybe you broke a habit or once had a pet peeve that no longer bothers you)?
To be less controlling. I usually like things to be a certain way, and with kids that's usually not what happens. They help me realize that not everything always has to be the way I see it in my head. 

6. Any advice for new mothers or mothers-to-be? 
Trust yourself. Listen to your gut more than anything else, you know what is right for your baby or child. And most of all, enjoy the infant stage and really take it all in, because it goes way too fast. 


Inspiring Mama #4 Rebecca McLennan

Name: Rebecca McLennan
IG name: bexjomac
Where you currently live: Phoenix, AZ
Your kids names/ages: Birdie 6, Brax 22 months, Brooks 5 months

1. What were some of your first thoughts/feelings when finding out you were going to become a mama? We tried for 6 years to become pregnant and were unsuccessful. Then November of 2012 we turned our hearts towards adoption through foster care and in 2013 I finally became a mama three times over. Each of our children came home to us on separate occasions with a bit of their own drama to follow but with each I felt exhilarated and alive! It was almost otherworldly the sea of emotions I felt becoming their mama. I lived off of the excitement, chaos and adrenaline for months. 
2. Do you have a motto or quote that has helped you along during motherhood? Yes! I'm a, uh, recovering perfectionist. Early on in my jaunt into motherhood my husband helped me discover my mantra lying in the ruble ofmany mama mistakes and misguided expectations. In fact most days he keeps me accountable and asks if I've said it. "I will not expect perfection from myself, my husband or my children today, Daddy God help me to know more of your heart." I find it helps me put  e v e r y t h i n g  into perspective and reminds me to just let it go. 

3. What has changed the most in your life since becoming a mother?  So much has changed. These kiddos have all my energy and focus, so much of what used to trouble me has no weight anymore because it's simply not worth what energy I have left. I'm settling into myself embracing who I am as a woman and making no apologies for it. It feels really nice! 

4.  If you could teach your child/children one lesson in life what would it be?Because my children came to be mine through misfortunes and brokenness I've concerned myself with making sure they never feel like they are a victim. Yes the specifics of their beginnings are awful but what they've gone through and how they started doesn't define them. If I could teach them only one thing it would be that they are the keepers of their own happiness. Who they are presently, who they'll become and what they'll do in this life is up to them. Teaching them to take responsibility for their own life is high on my priorities list. 

5. How has motherhood changed your mindset (maybe you broke a habit or once had a pet peeve that no longer bothers you)? Since I was a little girl I always imagined myself doing something really important and influential on a grand scale. I placed a lot of pressure on myself to achieve that expectation and lived for years frustrated that I felt I was missing the mark. In the days and months since becoming a mother I've realized that if I do nothing else in this life (although I will) stepping up to be their mother has been really important and influential on a grand scale. These kids needed a loving and nurturing mama and I got to be the answer. 

6. Any advice for new mothers or mothers-to-be? 
While I'm still very new at being a mother myself, my advice would simply be to relax. Yes it is our job as mamas to shape these little humans into respectable citizens of society, and that is important and takes a lot of  hard work and consistency. However at the end of the day what speaks loudest to the hearts of our children is our unconditional love, our understanding and our laughter. Really listen to them, put yourself in their shoes to understand them and very often play and laugh with them. I'm finding that when I do these things regularly with my kiddos I relax, they relax and life is good. 

Inspiring Mama #3 Kassi Bacquet

Name: Kassi Bacquet
IG name: kassibacquet
Where you currently live: Galveston Island, Tx
Your kids names/ages: Tyler 16, Tannyn 9, Tayli 6, Tavvi and Trax just shy of 19mos

1. What were some of your first thoughts/feelings when finding out you were going to become a mama?

Wow, I was sixteen when I first found out. Shocked. Sick. Confused.  Scared. But that kid has been the hugest blessing and I have amazing parents who supported me. I kind of had those same feelings when I found out my fourth was really my fourth AND fifth ;) but God is so good...all my kids are little blessings. 

2. Do you have a motto or quote that has helped you along during motherhood?

 I want to say "don't sweat the small stuff" something my Granny said to me before getting married...that, and "compromise, compromise, compromise" I don't always do those things though...with my kids or my husband. 

3. What has changed the most in your life since becoming a mother? 

My prayer life. I give almost EVERYTHING over to The Lord - my kids are His. That and time for myself...especially since having the twins. I've found I've become more selfish with wanting "me" time which isn't always the best thing when you have five kids. 

4.  If you could teach your child/children one lesson in life what would it be? 

To love Jesus Christ with all their hearts and to put Him first in their lives, to serve Him and glorify Him always. If they do that, everything will fall into place as it should. 

5. How has motherhood changed your mindset (maybe you broke a habit or once had a pet peeve that no longer bothers you)? 

I've been a mom for so long that I can't even remember my mindset before them! 

6. Any advice for new mothers or mothers-to-be? 

Take it one day at a time. Love them with all that you are but put your husband first always. To be a loving example of how a husband and wife should be is one of the best lessons we can teach our kids. Easier said than done, I know. 

Our Cinco De Mayo

The Night consisted of...




xoxo. Richelle Cote © - DESIGNED BY HERPARK