
Inspiring Mama #5 Lauren Wright

Name: Lauren Wright
IG name: ahippiesdaughter
Where you currently live: Las Vegas
Your kids names/ages: Luca (5 1/2), Ruby (2 1/2)

1. What were some of your first thoughts/feelings when finding out you were going to become a mama? 
The happiest I had ever been in my life! My husband and I had been together a long time, so we were more than ready. We couldn't wait to become parents.

2. Do you have a motto or quote that has helped you along during motherhood? 
Probably the one I think most is, "the days are long but the years are short." There's always so much to do, and when everything gets overwhelming I remind myself of this. It's so true, and before you know it they're not babies anymore and I think longingly about that precious time. 

3. What has changed the most in your life since becoming a mother? 
Not too much changed for me actually, except that you of course have less time to do things for yourself. And sleep, I definitely sleep a LOT less!!

4.  If you could teach your child/children one lesson in life what would it be?

To be kind and compassionate to all people and things. Not to judge others because you have no idea what their path in life is. And to treat others the way you would like to be treated. 

5. How has motherhood stretched you (maybe you broke a habit or once had a pet peeve that no longer bothers you)?
To be less controlling. I usually like things to be a certain way, and with kids that's usually not what happens. They help me realize that not everything always has to be the way I see it in my head. 

6. Any advice for new mothers or mothers-to-be? 
Trust yourself. Listen to your gut more than anything else, you know what is right for your baby or child. And most of all, enjoy the infant stage and really take it all in, because it goes way too fast. 

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