
Nine down and many more to go...

Sadly I can barely keep up...
time is going way to fast, and my baby girl isn't much of a baby anymore.
I  look at the past posts and look at how far she has come and how amazing she is
and I thank God for blessing me with this little miracle.
You can crawl,stand up,play toys,talk,kiss,clap,make a mouse face and feed yourself finger foods and it seems like it all happened over night.
You are a VERY HAPPY baby and a VERY GOOD BABY!
Daddy and I are so blessed...


Keeping Traditions Alive...

Bates Nut Farm 2012

Last year 2011...

This Year...
 Zoe James you are out and about roaming free in this world and we couldn't be happier! Last year you were more compact and much easier to take care of, but the joy you bring this world fills my heart like nothing else can...
love you Lil Pumpkin head

Happy Fall






Julian O Julian...
Last Saturday we spent the day in Julian with a deep desire to do something "Fallish" and also get a break from moving...
Our List
Eat buffalo burgers
buy Zoe an official Coon skin cap
Apple Pick
Eat apple pie
buy a dream catcher

Well we still didn't apple pick, but her is always next year!



Well, we did it!
 Five years of life's possessions have been moved from point A to point B and we have our family to thank for that! Ian and I feel truly blessed to be loved so much that people would volunteer their time to move our junk down the elevator into a truck, down the street, up 14 steps into our new humble abode (not to mention the trip to the storage unit). We have spend a few days in box kingdom, but for the most part we are unpacked living the dream...(well it works for now)! God has a plan for us and right now it's in a two bedroom two bath townhouse while out best guy friend  lives downstairs in the garage apartment. God is doing a good work in all of our lives and we are excited to see where this journey takes us!


Mover and a shaker...

As of September 29, 2011 we have a crawler!!
Zoe James Cote is officially able to move about freely as she pleases...
I welcome this next phase of motherhood with open arms and a pair of running shoes!
Congrats baby girl!

xoxo. Richelle Cote © - DESIGNED BY HERPARK