
Why I will never apologize for taking photots...

A day will come when my kids are grown and gone and I will desperately miss the sounds a their squeals, the smell of their sweaty skin, the constant toy mess. I will regret my short temper, need to keep a clean house and all the times I told them "NO" to the things that didn't really matter all that much.My photos will be my time machine, the portal I need to remember the sounds and smells of what will be the "best years of our lives".

Most diapers changes include all three kids, one is getting changed and the other two are making the littlest laugh, giggle, smile and make the whole process take much longer but more fun!

Our first baby, we got Bella a few months before we got married. 
She is 10 years old...

Cupcake (Zoes doll) is not a doll she is another member of our family, she travels everywhere we go, gets Christmas presents under the tree and we are currently planing her birthday party.

I fell in love with him the first time he played that guitar for me, he proposed to me playing that guitar and he still serenades me,so you can imagine if my house was on fire I would RUN inside for that thing! 
Photos c/o Kathydaviesphotograthy

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