
Beachin it...

“The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears, or the sea.”
--Isak Dinesen

Sunday and Monday we spent some time beach camping with Ians Dad, and it was exactly the healing therapy we needed after some busy and hectic weeks. We slept in, walked to breakfast, read, napped on the beach and bbqed some yummy food. It was an amazing time in the sun on the sand and we are so thankful for some relaxing family time.

“I have always loved the beach. The smell of the salty water, the wind in my face, the gentle roar of the waves all combine to create a sense of peace and calm.”


Where the wild things are!

Saturday we spent an amazing day with some of our favorite people, my Cousin Elyse her Husband and there funny little monkey! It was a little warmer than we planned so my hungry hungry hippo was stripped to her diaper for most of the day. We finished the warm Summer day with a walk to sushi and got a surprise visit from my parents who were in town celebrating their 33rd anniversary! I feel so blessed to have family close and I love watching our girls play together just like we did as cousins so many years ago. These are the days and memories I want to hold onto in this crazy busy time of our life.


Seven months down,many more to go...

Zoe, this last month has been such a blessing! This is our favorite age so far, you are so alert and fun and we can't get enough kisses and smiles from you! You are such a happy baby and everyone that meets you falls in love with your chubby cheeks and squeezable thighs. We are going to swim class weekly and I love the time we have together bonding in these little moments. I get sad with every new big girl accomplishment like feeding yourself or holding your own bottle and I get afraid I am going to miss or forget a special moment or milestone. I love that we have so many wonderful people around you that love you and love spending time with you. My dream was to have a baby that was close to her family so she could experience a childhood as I did, filled with people that make you feel loved, accepted, and special. You are a light in this dark world and I am so proud to be called your Mommy!

Six Teeth and counting...


Be Thankful and choose happiness!

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving 

better and happier. Be the living expression

 of God's kindness: kindness in your face,

 kindness in your eyes, kindness in your 


Mother Teresa






This last week Ian and I have been doing a lot of soul searching, working on ourselves so we can be better children, friends, parents,and spouses. Deep soul searing and self realization can be hard, but it is necessary for growth.Today we have chosen to be thankful through everything, for we are blessed!

Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
                                Abraham Lincoln


Just representing!!

These are what we are wearing these days!!!


xoxo. Richelle Cote © - DESIGNED BY HERPARK