
8 Months down and many more to go...

Zoe, as I sit here and think about the fact that you have been in this world as long as you were in my womb it makes me sad that time goes by so fast. I try and write down and capture every important moment by photo or video with a fear that I will not remember my baby girl. I look back at those pictures and I am so pleased at the blessing God has given me. You are an absolutely beautiful and perfect baby girl and with every new day you amaze me with your sense of humor, curious mind, zest for life and infectious smile. You are my best friend and I am excited to spend every day with you, the future holds so many beautiful possibilities and I want you to be eager to jump in and experience all that life brings you. 
-xoxo Mommy

This next month is going to be crazy with our move, but I believe God has put this chapter in front of us to make us grow, bring us closer together and teach us many life lessons. Buckle up baby because we are about to embark on one wild ride...

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