1/07/2015 here we come... was a heck of a rollercoaster! 
I started the beginning of the year pregnant and ended it with two kiddos!!! Our family grew by one baby boy and a beta fish names "Dorothy". We juggled two kids, two businesses, worked a lot on making our rental house a home, re-vamped our trailer and went on our first camping trips in it! 

We made some great memories in 2014, grew older and I pray wiser, had ups and downs as every marriage does but above all we tried to live the life God has planned for us! is MY year!! I keep telling myself it will be my 30th year on this here planet and I want to make it count!! Here are a few "goals" for myself...

-live in the now
-be more adventurous 
-meet new friends 
-start a new hobby
-be more active
-take more trips
-drink more water
-read the Bible
-have more date nights
-spend less on frivolous items
-quality over quantity
-blog more
-spend more time outside 

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xoxo. Richelle Cote © - DESIGNED BY HERPARK